Mixed Apartment Complex
Small City, PA
Antonio Thomas │ Structural
Adviser │ Dr. Thomas Boothby, P.E., R.A.
Introducing Antonio Thomas

Antonio Thomas is currently in his 5th year (AE Senior Year), studying Architectural Engineering (AE) at The Pennsylvania State University. Upon May 2019, he will graduate with a Bachelor of Architectural Engineering degree, focusing specifically on the structural discipline. Throughout his five years, Antonio has been involved in various professional and student organizations. Some of these organizations include the Penn State Chapter of Architectural Engineering Institute (Student Society of Architectural Engineering) and the National Black Society of Engineers (NSBE).
This past summer, Antonio had a position as an intern for the City of Pittsburgh, working within the Department of Public Works. During this internship, he was provided an experience involving overall building inspections and insight into the coordination of public owned facilities. Antonio plans to take the FE exam before graduation so that he may receive EIT status upon graduating. He has recently been the recipient of the Geschwindner Scholarship and is striving for more awards this year. After graduation, he looks forward to receiving knowledge and experience in the structural engineering profession to assist in the preparation for a Professional Engineer license.
He deeply enjoyed his involvement in the Student Minority Advisory & Recruitment Team (S.M.A.R.T.), where he has held an executive position, won awards, and impacted this campus and high school seniors. He has studied French for 14 years and enjoys many sports; one being mixed martial arts, receiving a yellow arm band for Muay Thai boxing.